If used properly, keywords can work to broaden or narrow your search, as appropriate. To broaden your search, try entering a keyword that is more general than what you want to find. For instance, if you enter "Benefits Administrator" and receive few results, try entering "Human Resources." Chances are, the results you receive will increase exponentially. To narrow your search, use more than one keyword. For instance, if you enter "Benefits Administrator" and receive too many results, try entering "Benefits Administrator, Medical" or any other specific indicator relevant to your search. |
Keywords help you better describe skills the job requires. You can enter as many keywords as you like.
Enter quotation marks (" ") around your search terms to search for an Exact Phrase; the system only returns instances in which the full phrase is found.
For example: Enter "Benefits Administrator" to return listings where the words Benefits and Administrator appear together and in that order.
Enter a plus sign (+) before a search term to search for a Required Word; the system only returns results in which this word is found.
For example: Enter Benefits Pension +Administrator to return all listings that contain Benefits or Pension but always contain the word Administrator.
Enter a minus sign (-) before search term to exclude a word; the system will not return any instances in which the Excluded Word appears.
For example: Enter Benefits -Administrator to return listings that contain the words Benefits but not Administrator.
Separate multiple keywords with spaces, commas, or press ENTER (return).
For example:
+"Benefits Administrator" +"Medical" +"Pension"
+"Benefits Administrator", +"Medical", +"Pension"
+"Benefits Administrator"
The system does not currently support wildcard searches.